If you see something that worries you, be it a player, parent or coach then do not hesitate. You can use the form below to report the issue to the Club Welfare Officer (cwo@hartlandgirlsacademy.co.uk). If you don’t feel comfortable talking to the club then you can contact the county Designated Safeguarding Officer (safeguarding@hampshirefa.com).

Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
Please provide your name (leave blank if you wish to be anonymous)
If you are willing to be contacted, please provide your email address
A brief note about what, or who, the concern is about
Provide an overview of your concern. Provide as much detail as you can. Include information such as the person involved, the date date and time the event happened. Where there any other witnesses? How did the event make you feel? Have you notified anyone else?