Constitution as approved by the Club on 9th July 2024


1.1 The Club shall be called Hartland Girls Academy, known as “HGA” and affiliated as Hartland Girls Youth FC.


2.1 The objects for which the Club is established are:

  1. To encourage, enhance and promote girls’ football in and around the Surrey/North  Hampshire borders through the creation of elite teams to further grassroots girls’ football  and to create a pathway into the women’s professional game.
  2. To organise Members in teams by age group.
  3. To foster individual character and team spirit.
  4. To improve the footballing skills and ability of all Members.
  5. To field teams within the Junior Premier Warriors League.
  6. To field further teams in leagues where numbers warrant.
  7. To provide organisational support for each age group and team.
  8. To organise financial support, sponsorship, grants and fund raising.
  9. To affiliate to other sports and youth organisations with the consent of the Executive Committee.
  10. To organise sports coaching, refereeing and first aid courses for Members, Club Officials and parents or guardians of Members.
  11. To purchase, hire or otherwise acquire football kit, balls, goals and other equipment.
  12. To purchase, take on lease, hire any land and buildings providing pitch, changing room or clubhouse facilities.
  13. To invest the monies of the Club not immediately required in or upon such investments or securities and in such manner as may be from time to time determined by the Executive Committee.
  14. To borrow monies for the benefit of the Club, subject to the consent of the Club in General Meeting.
  15. To insure the assets of the Club and to arrange Public Liability, Personal Accident, Officers and such other insurances as deemed desirable by the Executive Committee.
  16. To do all such other things as may be deemed incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above objects or any of them.


3.1 The Club shall be affiliated to Hampshire County Football Association and one or more local football league organisations sanctioned by a County or the national Football Association.


4.1 Membership is open by invitation only, by way of summer trials, to female players looking to play at an elite level and increase their opportunities in women’s football. Membership shall run from 1st August in each year to the following 31st May. Membership is decided by trial each summer. It should be noted that after every playing season, players’ memberships will be reviewed for renewal. The process by which this happens should always endeavour to be supportive and take into consideration that player’s personal and playing development.

4.2 Annual membership subscription amounts may vary by age group and shall be decided annually by the Executive Committee considering added sponsorship and grants that may support overall funding.

4.3 For a Member on the roll of a recognised school, priority shall be given to school activities in accordance with the recommendations of the Football Association, and where appropriate, clearance obtained from the Headteacher of the Member.

4.4 In the event of non-payment of membership subscription at the expiry of eight weeks after 1st August in each year and at the of the Executive Committee membership shall be deemed to be terminated. Members wishing to resign shall give notice to this effect in wring to the Secretary, such notice to be accompanied by payment of all Club subscriptions due to that date.

4.5 Every effort should be made for football within the Club to be complementary alongside schools’ football and district/county football.


5.1 The management of the Club shall be carried out by the Executive Committee which shall have complete authority for the day-to-day organisation and responsibility for the well-being of the Club.

5.2 The Executive Committee shall consist of the Office Bearers.

5.3 The Office Bearers shall consist of a Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Club Welfare Officer & Community Development Officer & 1 x Parent Liaison Officer per team the club fields in a season.

5.4 The Executive Committee shall meet once every other month to transact Club business, but with the option not to hold a meeting in one month of each calendar year. All decisions shall be by simple majority vote. Each Office Bearer shall have one vote, but in the case of an equality of votes the chair of the meeting shall have a second casting vote.

5.5 In addition to its general powers the Executive Committee may:

  1. fill any mid-year vacancies which may arise, including vacancies of Office Bearers
  2. arrange for alternates where an Office Bearer is temporarily unable to act.
  3. appoint sub-Committees with Executive or non-Executive powers, as it deems desirable.
  4. appoint individuals or other groups to perform specific functions or tasks.

5.6 Where sub-Committees, groups or individuals are appointed, the Executive Committee shall require monthly reports on the activities of the appointees, including full accounts of income and expenditure, where authorised.

5.7 In exceptional cases where urgent action is needed between scheduled meetings of the Executive Committee, then the Chair, or in their absence the Vice Chair, is authorised to act with the full powers of the Committee, provided the Chair, or in their absence the Vice Chair, shall first obtain the agreement to act from three other Office Bearers, one of whom must be the Treasurer in the case of any financial commitment of Club Funds. All such action taken shall be reported to the Executive Committee at its next meeting.

5.8 The Executive Committee may from me to me make, amend or report Club Policies for the general good conduct or organisation of the Club, provided always that such Policies shall not

contradict or be inconsistent with the Club’s Constitution or the Rules of the Football Association, which shall always take precedence.

5.9 The Executive Committee shall be the sole authority for the purpose of the interpretation of the Club’s Constitution and Club Policies.

5.10 All property of the Club including land and investments shall be held by the Executive Committee for the me being in their own names so far as necessary and practicable for the use and benefit of the Club. If from death, resignation or removal from office of an Executive Committee member, the Executive Committee shall take steps to procure the appointment of a new member and as soon as possible thereafter take all lawful and practicable steps to procure the vesting of all Club property in the names of the Executive Committee after the said appointment.

5.11 The Executive Committee shall have power to sell, lease, mortgage or pledge any Club property for the purpose of raising or borrowing money for the benefit of the Club, subject to the consent of the Club Executive Committee.


6.1 The Chair, or in their absence the Secretary or other Office Bearer nominated for the purpose, shall chair meetings of the Club and officially represent the Club at meetings with third parties and at functions.

6.2 The Vice Chair, or in their absence the Secretary or other Office Bearer nominated for the purpose, shall chair meetings of the Club and officially represent the Club at meetings with third parties and at functions.

6.3 The Secretary shall have the responsibility of issuing all notices calling meetings of the Club and the General Management Committee, attending to correspondence, arranging the provision of playing fields and changing rooms as necessary and interpretation of the rules of the relevant leagues.

6.4 The Treasurer shall have the responsibility of safeguarding the funds of the Club, keeping correct accounts of all financial transactions of the Club, keeping bank and building society accounts as deemed necessary in the name of the Club to be operated by the Secretary, Treasurer, Chair, Vice Chair, President or any two of them, and dealing with the taxation affairs of the Club. The Treasurer shall submit to the Executive Committee each month a statement of monies held and shall submit an income and expenditure account for any fund-raising activities. For each financial year the Treasurer shall prepare within four weeks of the financial year end an income and expenditure account and balance sheet for submission to the Annual General meeting of the Club.

6.5 The Club Welfare Officer should ensure the good safeguarding of all the players under the HGA banner. They are responsible for ensuring all coaches and Committee members have the relevant qualifications and CRC checks in place and will deal with any discipline matters relating to the teams.

6.6 The Community Development Officer will maintain good relationships with girls’ grassroots clubs and teams in the area, building ties and helping HGA reach its goal of being a pathway into women’s football.

6.7 The Parent Liaison Officer will server as the central point of contact for all parents within their team, relaying important updates, gathering feedback, and assisting in the coordination of team events and activities, where possible.


7.1 The Club shall be organised into teams from Under 12’s through to U18’s according to the age group bands relating to girls’/women’s football.

7.2 Each team shall have a registered and qualified Team Manager, who shall have responsibility for the organisation of all matters relating to their team. Some organisational matters may be delegated or apportioned to an assistant depending upon the style chosen by the Team Manager and the availability of willing, qualified, and registered assistants. The designation of the team assistants must be clearly defined and must not conflict with the role of the appointed club officials.

7.3 All Team managers, assistants or coaches shall hold a valid DBS check and hold Playmaker Coaching Certification, Level 1 FA Coaching Certification, IFAIF Certification and Safeguarding Certification.


8.1 The Executive Committee shall appoint where necessary, at least one suitably qualified Auditor, who may be a parent of a Member but shall not be a Trustee, Office Bearer, Manager or Age Group Coordinator, to undertake an audit of the annual accounts.


9.1 There shall no more than six Non-Executive Trustees (NET) of the Club who shall be nominated from time to time as necessary by the Executive Committee. A “NET” shall hold office during their life (subject to section 12 below) or until they resign by notice or are removed by simple vote of the Executive Committee.

9.2 In exercising their powers the “NET” shall, providing they act honestly and in good faith, be indemnified against risk and expense out of Club property, assets and funds.

9.3 To give effect to a nomination by the Executive Committee:

  1. the Chair is nominated as the person to appoint new Non-Executive Trustees of the Club within the meaning of Section 36, Trustee Act 1925,
  2. the Chair must by deed appoint the person or persons nominated by the Committee as the new Non-Executive Trustee (or Trustees) of the Club,
  3. the provisions of the Trustee Act 1925 shall apply to any appointment.

9.4 Any statement of fact in a deed of appointment of new Non-Executive Trustees, in favour of a person dealing bona fide and for value with the Club or the Executive Committee, is conclusive  evidence of the fact so stated.


10.1 An Annual General meeting of the Club shall be held in June of each year for the purpose of:

  1. Approve the minutes of the previous year’s AGM.
  2. Receive reports from the Chairperson and Secretary.
  3. Receive a report from the Treasurer and approve the Annual Accounts.
  4. Appoint someone responsible for certifying the Club’s accounts.
  5. Fix the subscription for the ensuing year.
  6. Consider changes to the Constitution.
  7. Review and consider any Bylaws.
  8. Deal with other relevant business as notified by the Executive Committee or a parent or guardian of a Member, for which twenty eight days’ notice, in writing, shall have been given to the Secretary.

10.2 The Chair of the Club shall preside, or in their absence the Vice Chair or any other Office Bearer nominated for the purpose.

10.3 A Special General meeting shall be convened on the requisition of not less than twenty parents or guardians of Members, or by a resolution of the Executive Committee. Any such requisition shall state the object of the meeting and shall be sent to the Secretary in writing. The Secretary shall convene a Special General meeting within twenty-eight days of receiving such notice. No business shall be discussed beyond that referred to on the requisition.

10.4 The Secretary shall give notice to the parents or guardians of all Members at least fourteen clear days before the date of any General meeting.

10.5 At all General meetings of the Club twenty parents or guardians of Members shall form a quorum. One parent or guardian present of each Member shall be entitled to one vote upon every question raised. In the event of the number of votes being equal at any meeting, the Chairman shall have a casting vote as well as a deliberative vote.


11.1 All complaints concerning the Club shall be made to the Secretary in writing and all issues raised shall be referred to the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall have power to deal with such complaints as they deem fit. Parents involved will be notified in writing of the Executive Committee’s decision.


12.1 The Executive Committee shall have power on a vote by ballot, by a majority, to suspend any Member, Office Bearer, Non-Executive Trustee, Age Group Coordinator or Manager whose conduct appears to them to be contrary to the good character, interests and of proper order of the Club.

12.2 The Club at a General meeting of which due notice has been given shall have power, on a vote by ballot, and by a majority of at least two-thirds of those voting, to expel any such Member or remove from office any such official. At least twenty-one days before calling such a meeting the Executive Committee shall communicate with the person suspended to provide that person an opportunity of appearing before the Executive Committee or resigning from the Club.


13.1 the Club nor any Office Bearer, Trustee or Manager shall be liable to any Member or other person for any loss or damage to any property occurring from whatever cause in or about Club Premises.


14.1 No alteration shall be made to the Club’s Constitution except by a majority of the Executive Committee personally present and voting at an Annual General meeting or at a General meeting of the Club called for the purpose.


15.1 Should the Members of the Club shall fall below that needed for a single squad at any time or if the Club shall pass in a Special General meeting a resolution of its intention to dissolve, the Executive Committee or failing them the Trustees shall take immediate steps to convert into money all the property of the Club with power however to delay or postpone the conversion of any particular property if the Club in General meeting so authorised.

15.2 Out of the proceeds of any such conversion, the Executive Committee or failing them the Trustees shall discharge all debts and liabilities of the Club including expenses of such conversion and any balance remaining shall be donated to such Registered local Charity as the Club in General meeting shall resolve and thereupon the Club shall for all purposes be dissolved.